
Welcome to Children's winter Camp

For Pastors

For Parents

In order to help you successfully prepare for camp, please click on the below drop downs to learn more.

Compass of the Lost

A winter freeze in their small town leaves Finn, Jules and Aver searching for something new. So when a stranger wielding a peculiar compass, offers a promise of adventure and satisfaction, they didn’t think twice.

Will you join them?

Warm Clothing

  • Casual Winter Clothing – Long sleeves, thermals, sweatshirts, long pants
  • Pajamas/sleep wear
  • Warm/Waterproof Jacket
  • Winter Accessories – hat, scarf, gloves, etc.
  • Warm/Waterproof Closed-Toed shoes
  • Plastic Garbage Bag for Dirty/Wet Clothing and Shoes
  • Pack enough socks for the weekend – then add two more pairs and pack those too


  • Toothbrush and Toothpaste
  • Shampoo and Conditioner
  • Body Wash
  • Deodorant
  • Sunscreen
  • Lotion and Chapstick (recommended for high elevation)

Linens – Will Not be Provided by Camp

  • Towel/Washcloth
  • Twin Size Bedding/Sleeping Bag
  • Pillow
  • Extra Blanket (recommended)

Extra Items to Make Camp AWESOME!

  • Flashlight
  • Reusable Water Bottle
  • Backpack to Carry Everyday Items Around Camp
  • Bible, Notebook, Pen (pencils are not recommended)
  • Spending Money
    • Your camper’s experience is all-inclusive. They do not NEED to bring extra money to have a full camp experience; all meals and most activities are paid for in your camper’s registration cost. However, if your student wishes to purchase drinks, snacks, a FH souvenir, or projects at the craft cabin, extra spending money is suggested ($20-$40).  Keep in mind that some items run a bit more expensive, like sweatshirts, water bottles, etc.
  • Items to Share With Cabin-Mates to Make Camp FUN!
    • Snacks, decks of cards, glow sticks, etc.
  • We may or may not be doing activities that have a sort of “Cosmic Bowl” aesthetic. If your camper has some bright colored clothing that would glow under a black light, it would be worthwhile to pack these items too.

Please DO NOT Bring the Following Items

  • Open-Toed Shoes/Sandals
  • Cell Phones, iPads, Gaming Devices, etc. 
    • In general, camp needs to be an electronics-free environment
  • Weapons – knives, airsoft guns, slingshots, etc.
  • Drugs/Alcohol/Tobacco
    • Including Juuls, vapes, wax pens, dap pens, etc.
  • Items of Significant Monetary or Sentimental Value

Helpful Hints!

  • Label ALL Luggage!
    • Using duct tape and a permanent marker is one great way to help your camper make sure their luggage arrives where it is supposed to be and makes it home.  
    • Label luggage with:
      • Name (First and Last is best)
      • Church Name
  • Not Too Heavy!
    • Make sure you camper is physically able to carry all their luggage by himself/herself!
  • Prep for All Weather!
    • Sometimes its snowy, rainy, sunny, really cold, kinda warm, etc.  Most of the time is much colder than your camper is used to (we are above a mile-high!), although the temperature has been known to vary greatly.  It is advised that campers have their jackets with them ON the bus so they can put it on immediately when they arrive at camp.
  • Avoid Heartbreak!
    • Hey, kids are kids.  Which is GREAT!  But sometimes, being a kid means you occasionally LOSE things.  Do NOT bring anything that is invaluable or irreplaceable.  Forest Home is not responsible for lost, damaged, or stolen items.

Check-In / Arrival

  • Check-In will take place on Friday from 3:00-5:00PM. Check-in will take place in Creekside.
  • The first programmed event your camper will attend will be dinner. There are two mealtimes, one which begins at 7:00PM, and another that begins at 7:45PM. Your church will be assigned one of the two based on your arrival time.
  • Parents, follow check-in instructions provided from your camper’s group leader.
    In the unfortunate event of a late arrival (traffic, car trouble, etc.) please text Andrew Newberry at 909-389-2268 as soon as possible.

Check-Out / Departure

  • Check-out is 10:15AM on Sunday, at the same location as your arrival.
  • Our program will end promptly at 10:15AM; please do not plan on leaving prior to 10:15AM as it disrupts the program.
  • If you need to arrange an early departure for your camper, please email Andrew Newberry (andrew.newberry@foresthome.org).

Each camper is required to undergo a health screening and have that information recorded on the group’s “Health Screening Form” BEFORE arriving at camp. Please note, any ill campers or counselors should not come to camp until they are symptom free without medication for 24 hours. If a camper or counselor arrives ill or becomes ill at camp, they may be sent home, subject to the discretion of the camp nurse and first aid policies.


  • Church/Group Partners
    • Please watch the short video regarding sending medication to camp. https://vimeo.com/865184187/a83b2c7e19?share=copy
    • Designate a medical volunteer (ie. Registered Nurse, LVN, EMT, nursing student ect.) to assist with the collection of camper medication. 
    • Provide the following document “Church Partner Medical Volunteer” to your medical volunteer with step-by-step instructions.  
    • Log on to your Forest Home account for a list of medicines you should expect to receive from your campers. 
    • Print this list so your medical volunteer can check off medications received. 
    • Cross reference the medication the parent provides with the medication printed on the medication expected list to ensure all medications parents registered campers to take during camp are retrieved prior to departure from the church. This will help save time at check-in once at camp. Print the “Medicine Postcard” document on bright colored paper. 
    • The postcard will be completed by the medical volunteer at the time medication is collected. 
    • All medications must be in their original containers for both prescriptions and over the counter (OTC) store-bought medications. 
    • All prescriptions must have their correct prescription labels. 
    • Place all medications in a Ziploc bag with camper and church name on the bag. Place all medication in a plastic container to be transported and handed off to the First Aid Team. 
    • Please provide the “Sending Medications to Camp” document to ALL parents.

The Health Techs on duty will distribute medication during each meal and can be found in the First Aid Station to distribute medications as needed throughout your stay. 

Please ensure that all dietary requests are indicated on your camper’s online registration form. 

Our chefs are trained and able to accommodate the following common dietary allergies: 

  • gluten free diets
  • dairy intolerances
  • egg allergies
  • vegetarian diets
  • vegan diets,
  • nut allergies (all our kitchens are nut free facilities). 

If your camper has a dietary need or allergy that our kitchen is unable to accommodate for (like Celiac Disease), we require that your camper brings their own food to meet their dining needs during their stay. 

  • If your camper is bringing their own food to camp, pack their pre-cooked meals in pre-portioned microwave safe containers. 
  • There are refrigerators for storage and microwaves for heating in all dining facilities for guests to use. (Please note there is no prep area)
  • If your camper is bringing their own food, please send it in appropriate containers for travel and ensure that it is labeled with your camper’s name.
  • We understand many allergies can be very severe, and we cannot fully guarantee that every item served is 100% free from airborne particles or other means of food allergy cross-contamination. The process of bringing your own precooked and pre-portioned food will limit the chance of any allergy cross-contamination.
  • There are other areas in camp that may cause allergic reactions that are out of our control, such as in retail food locations, vending machines, or other campers that may bring snacks. 

If you have any additional questions, please contact our Director of Guest Dining, Matt Stryffeler at matt.stryffeler@foresthome.org and he will respond within 2-3 business days.

All of your camper’s main activities while at Forest Home are covered by their camp registration fees. 

There will be opportunities during the week where campers can choose to purchase items. This includes:

  • Roundhouse/The Hub (t-shirts, stickers, hats, etc.)
  • The Clubhouse and Stagecoach Coffee Shop (snacks/drinks) 
  • Craft Cabin crafts/activities
  • Laser Tag

All of Forest Home’s retail transactions are cashless; all retail purchases must be made by credit card, debit card, apple pay, google pay, Forest Home giftcard, or eGiftcard. 

  • eGiftcard
    • This link allows you to load money on to your camper’s account at any time before or during camp. 
    • You have the option of adding a telephone number to the account, making it easier for your camper to memorize the number required for making a purchase (for efficiency and ease of use, we strongly recommend using this method).
    • To check balance on your egiftcard, please click here
    • For more instructions or troubleshooting on eGiftcards, click here 
    • At the end of camp, if your camper does not spend all the money on their eGiftcard, it will remain open so that your camper can use it the next time they are at camp. In the event your camper is not returning to camp within a 12-month period, you can also email refunds@foresthome.org to request a refund for the extra funds on your camper’s eGiftcard. We are only able to process refunds that are requested within 12 months of date of purchase.

Photos can be accessed through a link provided by your group’s leader. This link will be sent directly to the group leader a few days before arriving at camp. It is the group leader’s responsibility to share that link with camper families. If you do not receive the link directly from your group leader, follow up with them for photo access! 

We strongly encourage parents and guardians to send their camper mail in one of two ways: 

  1. Pack any letters, cards, or packages in your camper’s suitcase for them to find once they arrive at camp. 
  2. Group leaders are encouraged to collect all camper mail for their church / group on departure day. 

Guardians can give camper mail to their group leader, ensuring that each piece of camper mail is labeled with the camper’s name and desired delivery day.

If you choose to send mail via USPS and it does not make it to your camper in time, Forest Home is not responsible for forwarding or returning parcels

We encourage campers to leave all electronics (including cellphones) at home and ask that all our guests join us in our efforts to keep our public areas at Forest Home cellphone free.

Forest Home will provide phone service for campers who need to contact their parents / guardians, but generally speaking, campers are not able to make or receive phone calls during camp. 

If there is a situation with your child at camp that warrants contact of their guardian (homesickness, injury, not cooperating, etc.), you will be contacted by our camp staff immediately.

All of these free time options will be available at various times throughout the week, weather permitting: 

  • Archery
  • Archery Tag
  • 9 Square
  • Gaga Ball
  • Marshmallow Roasting
  • Glow Mini Golf
  • Craft Activities
  • Canyon Park (Due to time limitations your camper will only be able to do one)
  • Zipline (Minimum Weight Requirement of 70 pounds)
  • Giant Swing
  • Sky Trail
  • And More!

We have a closed campus.

For the safety of all of our guests, do not instruct anyone to come up to camp (for ANY length of time) who is not a registered guest. 

Day passes are not available unless pre-arranged with the Camp Director.

For more information on our Child Protection Policies, please contact Evan Liewer, Senior Director of Programs, at evanl@foresthome.org.

If there is a serious family emergency and a parent needs to contact their child while at camp, they may contact the Forest Home Roundhouse at 909-389-2300 and they can put them in contact with the Camp Director.

Additional Questions?

Couldn’t find the answer to your question? Reach out to someone from our team and we will get back to you!

Sarah Shepherd

Andrew Newberry

Director of Children’s Ministry
(909) 389-2268