

Since 1938, God has been moving in the lives of millions who attend Forest Home. Our chapel is filled with prayer journals – literally thousands of pages where campers have written out their prayers, decisions and cares to God. Thank you for your heart to pray with us as we ask God to work even more powerfully through the ministry of Forest Home to mightily impact future generations.



Camper Safety

An outpouring of God's spirit

Salvation and changed lives

Wisdom and strength for staff

Protection over facilities

Support to improve facilities

We are burdened to pray for each person who God brings to camp. Our prayer is that they would personally “have strength to comprehend with all the saints what is the breadth and length and height and depth” of the love of Jesus Christ (Eph 3:18-19). We believe that if we all had a bigger picture of His love for us, we would focus more of our energy on Great Commission work, and less time on the distractions of this world. We pray that each camper would surrender fully to the Lordship of Jesus Christ and gain clarity as to the specific call that He has for them.

Stories of Lives Changed at Forest Home Through the Power of Prayer

Adult Ministry

In 1949, Billy Graham came to Forest Home immediately prior to his great Los Angeles Crusade, questioning the authority of the Bible and unsure of his calling. One evening Billy found himself at an impasse. Along with his own doubts, a close friend and ministry partner had recently turned away from his faith in God. Billy wandered off into the evening following a trail into the woods. Reaching a personal crisis, Billy prayed ‘Father, I am going to accept this as Thy Word—by faith! I’m going to allow faith to go beyond my intellectual questions and doubts, and I will believe this to be Your inspired Word!’ Billy wrote in his autobiography that as he stood up his eyes stung with tears, but he felt the power and presence of God in a way he hadn’t in months. ‘A major bridge had been crossed,’ he said. The resulting change did not go unnoticed. The next day he spoke at Forest Home, and 400 people made a commitment to Christ. Forest Home Founder Henrietta Mears remarked that he ‘preached with authority’ that she hadn’t seen before from him.

Youth Ministry

In the 1960’s, Scott attended Forest Home at the persistent request of a Christian friend. Scott agreed to come if a liquor store was nearby. An avid surfer at home, Scott lived his life smoking, drinking alcohol, and chasing girls. While at camp, he noticed the girls but was completely disengaged with the speakers and other campers. He heard the gospel and the call for decision but resisted. One night, he couldn’t sleep and left his cabin for a smoke. It was there that God met him. Suddenly, his hard heart had a radical, unexpected change. He felt as if God reached down and touched him directly. Scott got down on his knees and accepted Jesus into his heart in the middle of the woods, and his life was never the same. He went home and told his family about his decision for Christ and his whole family received Christ as their savior. God answered the prayers of Scott’s friend and those prayers impacted not only Scott, but all of Scott’s family for generations to come!

Family Ministry

Every year thousands of campers attend Forest Home for a time of worship and fun, but it was not the case for one family attending Summer Family Camp. After a year of difficulties, they desperately wanted to get away and make exciting memories as a family. The Christian elements were not a priority, and they had no idea what was in store for them. Their vacation got off to a bad start, and they nearly decided to cut it short when they were presented with challenges. By the grace of God, and encouragement from Forest Home staff, they decided to remain and see it through. Soon after that decision, they began to embrace the campy fun of Forest Home, and the daily sermons seemed to speak directly to their situation. By the end of the week, the father and his two daughters committed their lives to Christ and were baptized in Lake Mears. Friends they had met throughout the week were by their side cheering and encouraging them. What began as just another family vacation became a life changing event with eternal impact.

Youth Ministry

Two parents concerned about their daughter’s spirituality encouraged her to attend a Forest Home camp. She had recently identified herself as an atheist and insisted she wanted nothing to do with church or Christian faith. This strong-willed, young lady finally relented to attend camp. Trusting in the Lord, the parents prayed that He would work on her hardened heart. After arriving at camp, her youth pastor, camp staff and parents fervently prayed that she would open her heart to the love Christ freely offers, and that a seed would be planted. Towards the end of the week, the young lady approached her youth pastor and confessed that she came to camp stubborn and prideful but was now ashamed with how she had judged everyone. During those fun filled days she recognized the love of Christ was around her, and through the authentic community of believers she was challenged to re-examine her faith. Later that week, she decided to follow Christ, with her youth group and pastor there to celebrate her newfound faith.


More than 40,000 children, youth and families are reached with the gospel every year at Forest Home.

100’s of campers will make first-time decisions to follow Jesus Christ

1,000’s of campers will make other life-changing decisions that will impact their walk with Christ

On average, Forest Home awards $250,000 a year
in camp scholarships

For more information, contact our development team!